May 272017
A Visit To Taj Mahal Agra With 200 desi Travelers

The Joy Of First Time Travel To Taj Mahal Agra     Ask any traveler worth his blog and he will give  you loads of global Gyan “To travel is liberating” “I found my calling in travel” “I was born to travel” “ I am a traveler, not a tourist” “Only those who travel will go to heaven rest will rot in hell eternally”. OK, I made the last one, but you get the gist.  For some reason traveling has been glamorized to the extent that many of us totally forget that a vast majority of people around the [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Apr 042017
A Road Trip From Gurgaon To Agra To See THE TAJ MAHAL

A desi Tourist Goes To Taj Mahal Agra Every time I will ask her where should we go, she will say “Let us go to Taj Mahal in Agra”, and every time I will reply, “But we have both been there so many times”. This time she snapped back “YES WE HAVE BOTH BEEN THERE, YOU WITH YOUR STUPID CLIENTS AND I WITH MY COUSINS, MASSEE Jee, CHACHI JEE AND MUMMY JEE AND PAPA JEE. Has it ever occurred to you that I want to see THE TAJ MAHAL with you, MY HUSBAND and with my kids?” Now normally [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]