Follow up on the Instagram post : 2015 Best nine images
As I mentioned in my earlier post on Instagram, that I am taking my baby steps to learn Instagram, so I spent a good deal of time checking all my posts on Instagram to find the top 10 posts on Instagram by virtue of likes for the same. It was not easy, as Instagram was slow as well as I had to keep a manual tab on the pictures.
Guess what there is a much simpler way to do the same, with which I generated my top 9 pictures of 2015 on Instagram in seconds. Have a look at the pics below:

My top 9 pictures on Instagram
Well the trick is simple, just click on this link here :
2015 Best 9 or click the image below
The link will take you to homepage of 2015 best 9 site, just enter your Instagram handle their e.g.: desiTraveler ( BTW how about following desitraveler 🙂 )
Once you have entered your Instagram handle it will generate your top 9 images for 2015, that you can share with your friends, just like I am doing it here, or on Facebook, twitter etc. That simple, no code is needed, you don’t need to enter any user Id or password and you don’t have to waste anytime like I did.
To add to the cherry on the cake the 2015 Best 9 site lets you look at the images in different sizes and displays your total posts and likes on Instagram in the year 2015.
Drawback: I could not find a way to see the likes on each image,
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