Top Hindi Travel Blogs in India
Recently desi Traveler featured in a few lists of top travel blogs of India, while I was happy, I was also a bit sad to see no Hindi travel blog in the list. If you read my blog regularly you would have noticed that my English is not very good, and I would easily fail in any English Grammar and Comprehension test. But I blog in English as that is where I feel more comfortable writing and that is where I felt readers are. I have written only one post in Hindi on this blog which also I later translated into English. But the masses in India still read in Hindi and other languages from Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, Assamese etc. but we have very few blogs that are regular in travel writing or even if they are regular well known outside their circle.
When I was younger there were a lot of Hindi magazines like Dharmayug, Sarika, Hans, Kadambini, Parag, Nandan, Dinman, Grihshobha etc; these magazines catered to all age groups and interests from children to fiction to literature to current affairs.
But slowly as the readership dwindled each one of them slowly vanished from newsstands, with Bennett Coleman and Company killing the maximum number of Hindi (and even English magazines). I am not sure how many of these magazines are still alive or when they were given a quiet burial.
Even in blogging space in India while English blogging is alive and kicking and is regularly celebrated it is rarely we hear about bloggers in Hindi and regional languages. My blog desi Traveler has been featured on many lists as one of the top Travel blogs from India, but none of that list includes Hindi blogger. This is kind of strange as some of the Hindi travel blogs are very good and have a very wide readership. So I thought of compiling a list of some of the Hindi travel blogs out there. I strongly believe that Hindi Travel Bloggers and those who write travel blogs in other Indian languages are doing a great service to the travelers and though they cater to a more desi / niche audience they have their own sphere of influence and readership. Actually, some of these bloggers cover more places than mainstream travel magazines and travel blogs as they really go to offbeat places.
Mind you this is not a complete list of Hindi Travel Blogs in India, but of the blogs that I have read regularly and admired their writers. I am pretty sure there are much more out there and I would be happy to include any that you point out.
When I chose desi Traveler as my blog title it was more of a branding exercise, but dear readers meet the real desi Travelers who have crisscrossed India and globe in true desi way:
- Manish Kumar: He first started writing his blog Musafir Hoon Yaron, literally meaning I am a traveler buddies, in 2008 (much before I started dT), and today has more than 250 posts on his blog. He writes about India as well as his travels abroad. I discovered his blog from his awesome series on his Travel to Japan. His blog has been rated as one of the best Hindi blogs by various sites. Discover his wonderful posts by checking his blog Musafir Hoon Yaron, he also writes a poetry/music/songs blog here
Manish Kumar in Japanese Bullet Train: A True Musafir
- Manu Prakash Tyagi: Manu is a quintessential traveler; his blog gets more traffic than most English Travel Blogs from India. He travels with his family as well as solo travel on his beloved bike. His series on remote towns in Himachal is epic and a must read for anybody who loves to travel to the Himalayas. Fall in love with his writing on his travel blog TravelUFO , that takes you on a journey to Discover the Universe !
Manu Prakash Tyagi on one of his Motorcycle Trip
- Jat Devta Sandeep Panwar: Written in a very engaging style in typical Delhi Hindi, this is one blog that will show you how real desi’s travel. Sandeep takes you on his bike and also in buses and trains, he is happy to stay in a Dharmashala and go to places where nobody thought of going. He goes on treks and he goes on pilgrimages as well as family vacations. His motto is simple ” Gummakkari Kismat se milti hai ”… meaning only the blessed one’s travel. Check his very unique blog Jat Devta Ka Safar
Jat Devta Sandeep Panwar in the Himalayas
- Sunil Deepak: He is an Indian Doctor working for an NGO AIFO in Bologna, Italy. His blog must be the only blog in the world that is written in three languages simultaneously. He writes the same post in Hindi, English, and Italian. His photographs are really wonderful and take you to places he visits that could be from deep jungles in Amazon to beautiful cities in Europe. Check his tri-lingual photo blog Chayachitrakar – छायाचित्रकार
Sunil Deepak blogs in Hindi, English, and Italian
- Mukesh Bhalse: Is a family traveler, going by buses and trains and discovering the middle India. He regularly travels with his wife and kids and writes great detailed posts about the places he visits. His pictures are real lively and full of family snaps clicked at the places he visits. He typically starts the journey, then gives a review of the hotel they stayed and finally takes you on a very interesting journey. Check his blog Travel With Mukesh
Mukesh Bhalse and family on a pilgrimage
- Neeraj Jat: This is one of the most interesting blogs as Neeraj not only writes in great detail about the places he visits, he also gives you details about KM traveled by train, the money spent on travels. He is very clear he is not a tourist as traveling as a tourist is expensive but traveling as a Ghumakkar ( vagabond) is the real way to travel. Check his blog मुसाफिर हूँ यारों नीरज जाट के यात्रा संस्मरण
Neeraj on one of his trips
- Pankaj Sharma: Known as Bitto boss to his friends, he is a biker who loves to bike to the pristine Himalayas from his current base in Haridwar. He believes in being happy by spreading happiness and smiles. Here is his Hindi travel blog घुमक्कड़ हूँ यारों
Pankaj Sharma loves to explore the Himalayas
- Sushant Singhal: A banker by profession, he loves to travel in his car with his family and friends. He has been traveling for decades now, though actively started writing only a few years back. He is a true family traveler and loves to travel to places where the whole family can enjoy together. He updates his travelogues on his website About Saharanpur , blog मेरा रोजनामचा ( My daily diary ) and also at Ghumakkar.
Sushant Singhal
- Isht Deo Sankrityaayan: The beauty of Isht’s blog is that not only he writes in Hindi he also sprinkles his travel stories with poems and shlokas from ancient literature ranging from Vedas, Ramayan, and Bhakti movement. Indeed a unique way to describe places that find mention in Indian mythology e.g. Panchawati where Lord Ram has spent some time during his exile. Check his blog इयत्ता– meaning essence of existence
- Tarun Goel : Tarun is in love with the Himalayas and wants to trek to the origin of every single river in Himachal. He regularly treks to the undiscovered places and writes about them. He primarily writes in English and Hindi both, but his true love for the hills is clearly seen in his Hindi writings when he pours his heart in his mother tongue. Check his blog LoOp-WhOlE and join him on an enchanting journey to the Himalayas. You will have to search a bit in his blog for Hindi posts but it will be worth it.
Tarun Goel at Jotnu Pass 4700 meters
- Ritesh Gupta: Is a passionate traveler who loves to travel with his family, he has been to a lot of places in the Himalayas in every second to discover the changing seasons in the hills. A lot of his travels happen with his younger brother Anuj ( which literally means younger brother). Check his travelogues सफर हैं सुहाना- Safar Hain Suhana ( it’s a beautiful journey)
Ritesh Gupta on a family trip
- Ghumakkar: No list on Hindi travel blog can be complete without mentioning Ghumakkar, though not primarily a Hindi blog, it regularly features travelogues written in Hindi by various authors, including some mentioned here. The importance of Ghumakkar lies in the fact that it has been the first platform where a lot of Hindi bloggers started writing. Started by Nandan Jha, today Ghumakkar is one of the most read travel blogs in India with many Hindi bloggers contributing to the same. I too have contributed posts to Ghumakkar in past though only in English . Check Ghumakkar here.
I am sure there are many wonderful Hindi travel blogs that I have missed or am not even aware of. If you do know of any wonderful Hindi or any other Indian language travel blog please share the same with me here in comments.
PS: All pictures from the blog/Facebook pages of various bloggers featured here and post is regularly updated.
A bit of self-advertising here, do check various lists etc. where desi Traveler has been mentioned in the blogging world.
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🙂 🙂 🙂
thanks for this list.. relly nice list.. i am a regular reader of mukesh bhalse ‘musafir’ blog..
This is where we focused our attention on the top things to see in India
मनीष भाई के ब्लॉग वाकई में शानदार होते है सबसे एक कदम आगे , thanku प्रसाद भाई ये जानकारी शाझा करने के लिए .
धन्यवाद अंकित जी.. देसी ट्रवेलेर ब्लॉग पर आपका स्वागत है….
मनीष भाई का ब्लॉग वाकई काबीले तारीफ़ है.
कभी मेरे हिंदी ब्लॉग को भी समय निकल के देखिएगा आप लोगो का सहयोग एवं सुझाव अपेक्षित है।
मेरा भी एक छोटा सा ब्लॉग है कभी समय मिले तो जरूर देखियेगा। आप सभी का मेरे ब्लॉग पर स्वागत है
Hii Nitin jee ,
Nice blog ,Proper information for readers .keep it up
हिन्दी में ब्लॉग लिखने की कोशिश में हूं,
Meree shubhkamna apke saath hai
नमस्कार श्रीमान जी मैंने एक हिंदी ट्रेवल गाइड ब्लॉग शुरू किया hai कभी आपको मौका मिले तो मेरे ब्लॉग पर जरूर विजिट करें और अपने अनुभव के आधार पर मुझे कुछ सुझाव दे
धन्यवाद |
ब्लॉग – सफर जानकारी
Meree Shubh kaamnayen..jaroor padoonga.. thanks
i also write travel story in my blog please have a look
I also write travel story on my blog please have a look.
Sure, thanks for sharing…
Please Visit my travel blog
This is such a wonderful list of Hindi Travel blogs. I will definitely visit these blogs soon. Thanks for sharing the list, Prasad.
Yes, and most of them travel on their own and have covered places I that are truly offbeat. Some of them are so meticulos in their documetnation that it is as good as a guide book…
नंदन जी! हिंदी ब्लॉगरों का बहुत अच्छा संकलन आपने किया है! एक हिंदी ब्लॉग मेरा भी है, कभी इसपर भी एक नजर डालें!
आर डी प्रजापति जी : नंदन जी घुमक्कड़ के संपादक हैं, यह देसी ट्रवेलेर ब्लॉग है.. आपका स्वागत है मेरे इस छोटे से ब्लॉग पर
Very nice information. you have included most of good blogs. Pl check my blog also at– May be you like it also.
Thanks Nitin, will sure check your blog 🙂
हिंदी ब्लाग के बारे में काफी अच्छी जानकारी दी है, आपने मेरा भी एक सैर सपाटा पर ब्लाग है. 33 राज्यों का सफरनामा है वहां, कभी वहां भी पहुंचे. –
धन्यवाद विद्युत् जी. ..जल्दी ही आता हूँ आपके ब्लॉग पर…..
here is another one awake india – travelling stories from across the country. Must read……
मेरे प्यारे दोस्त ,
आपका हिंदी ट्रेवल ब्लॉग लिखने वालो के प्रति जो प्रेम और लगाव काबिले तारीफ़ है ! और उसमे में मेरे जैसे ढिल्लू लेखक का ब्लॉग शामिल कर लिया , आपने तो कमाल ही कर दिया .. शुक्रिया दोस्त
मेरी और से देसी ट्रैवलर को ढेरों शुभकामनाये
पंकज जी.. देसी ट्रैवलर पर आप का स्वागत है … और हिंदी मैं यात्रा का वर्णन पढ़ कर जो आनंद मिलता है वह केवल हिंदी समझने वाले ही जान सकते हैं…
you have included most of good blogs. Pl check mine also at– May be you like it also.
Thanks, Parmeshwari je.. you sure have a good blog.. thanks for sharing it here, always wonderful to discover more Hindi blogs
After reading some of the Hindi blogs even I feel I would write better in Hindi, but I have the same handicap – just can not get to type in Hindi, though have tried posting some Hindi poems on my blog sometime – of course along with translation.
I have been trying to type in Hindi but it becomes very difficult to make the corrections… a lot of bloggers in Indonesia type in Roman Script but use their local language ( Bhasha ? ) for expressing themselves. Apko kya lagta hain aisa karna theek hoga ya fir na idhar kay rahenge na udhar kay ?
Ek do ko codh kar baki sab ko kafi samye se jantha hun sab ek se badakar ek lekhak hain ……..thanks for sharing
Dhanyawad Mahesh Jee
एक बहुत बढ़िया संकलन हिंदी ट्रेवल ब्लॉगस का
Dhanyawaad Harshita jee
डियर देसी ट्रैवलर,
हिंदी के उम्दा ट्रैवल ब्लॉग्स सहेजे हैं आपने इस पोस्ट में। अच्छा लगा देखकर कि अंग्रेज़ी के उम्दा ब्लॉगर को हिंदी बिरादरी का इतना ख्याल है। वैसे, आपका विश्लेषण काफी हद तक सही है कि पाठक आज वर्नेकुलर्स के पास बहुत हैं और उस अनुपात में उनके लिए अच्छी सामग्री हिंदी का लेखक तबका नहीं परोस रहा। इसी तकलीफ से गुजरते हुए मैंने हिंदी में ट्रैवल ब्लॉग शुरू किया था। बिना विज्ञापन, प्रचार और आंकड़ेबाजी में उलझे चुपचाप सिर्फ कन्टेंट जेनेरेशन पर ध्यान जमाया और तसल्ली है कि हिंदी ट्रैवल साहित्य के लिए अपना दो आना दे रही हूं।
अलका जी : देसी ट्रवेलर पर आपका हार्दिक स्वागत है. आपका ब्लॉग पड़ा ओर मुझे बहुत अछा लगा, की एक ओर बेहतरीन हिन्न्दी ब्लॉग से मेरा परिचय हुआ है . मुझे लगता था की आप केवल समाचार पत्रआदी के लिए ही लिखती है.., किंतु आपका ब्लॉग बेहद दिलचस्प है. धीरे धीरी आपके ब्लॉग के अन्य लेख भी पढ़ रहा हू. आपका इतिहास प्रेम क़ाबिले
तारीफ है. धन्यवाद.
अपनी भाषा के इतर हिंदी यात्रा लेखकों की दुनिया में झाँकने के लिए धन्यवाद ! मैंने आज ही आपकी ये पोस्ट देखी। अच्छा लगा अपने और साथी हिंदी ब्लॉगरों के बारे में आपके विचारों को पढ़कर।
प्रिय मनीश जी: देसी ट्रवेलर पर आपका स्वागत है, मुझे यकीन है की हिन्दी ब्लोग जलदी ही भारत मैं अंग्रेज़ी ब्लॉगस से ज्यादा पढे जायेंगे
Very nice travel Blog.
Hello Ji….
Mere blog ko apni is suchi me shamil karne ke liye aapka shukriya……. अच्छा संकलन किया आपने हिंदी ब्लोगों का ….
धन्यवाद ….
You are welcome Ritesh… love reading your posts…
प्रसाद, हिन्दी के यात्रा ब्लागों की यह सूची बहुत दिलचस्प है. मुझे इसमें शामिल करने के लिए बहुत धन्यवाद 🙂
दीपक जी आपका ब्लॉग एकदम अलग है ऑर मेरे ख्याल से एक्लोता ब्लॉग होगा जो ३ भाशाओं मैं प्रकाशित होता है, धन्यवाद
बहुत ही बेहतरीन पोस्ट है.
हिन्दी यात्रा ब्लॉग को एक साथ देखकर अच्छा लगा। आपकी मेहनत सफ़ल हुई।
Thanks a lot Sandeep jee.
Hey Prasad – Thank you for mentioning Ghumakkar. Wishes.