Sep 022015
Top Travel Blog Lists from India

desi Traveler in Top India Travel Blog Lists As always first a disclaimer: This is a post about vanity and also sharing my happiness. I am not sure what logic / data etc. was used by these list makers and like all lists these Top Travel Blog from India should also be taken with a pinch of salt. Some of these travel blog lists are old, but I never got a chance to share them with our awesome readers. But anyways here they are now and let me indulge in some Vanity no matter how short-lived it may be Ultimate [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Jan 122014
Best Hindi Travel Blogs India

Top Hindi Travel Blogs in India  Recently desi Traveler featured in a few lists of top travel blogs of India, while I was happy, I was also a bit sad to see no Hindi travel blog in the list. If you read my blog regularly you would have noticed that my English is not very good, and I would easily fail in any English Grammar and Comprehension test. But I blog in English as that is where I feel more comfortable writing and that is where I felt readers are.  I have written only one post in Hindi on this [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]