Jun 202015
International Yoga Day  - June 21st

Some pictures of people practicing Yoga – Celebrating the International Yoga Day June 21st is International Yoga day and India has reasons to cheer up for the same. As Yoga originated in India and with help of various evangelist today is most popular form of exercise practiced by millions of people worldwide.  From Bareily to Brazil from Nanded to New York from Ram Nagar to Russia you will find people practicing yoga every day. For yoga is considered to be the only form of exercise that nurtures your mind body and soul. While the sutras that govern various asanas or [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Dec 112014
Kirikayan Boutique Hotel Koh Samui Thailand - A Review by desi Traveler

 A Little Surprise in Koh Samui: The Kirikayan Boutique  Hotel Ah Koh Samui, so many memories, each better than other, every time I want to write about Koh Samui I am in a dilemma – should I write about the clean beaches that are great for water sports and even better to do nothing, or I should write about the eclectic Chewang road with its Thank God Its Friday attitude every single day ? So after the Koh Samui airport let me focus on the hotel we stayed in Koh Samui, the Kirikayan Boutique Hotel, Chaweng Beach. Luckily the hotel is [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Nov 102014
Top 10 things  I did in Amazing Thailand and you could too

First blog post from recent trip to Koh Samui, Ayutthaya and Bangkok in Amazing Thailand   Amazing Thailand is a very special place for me as it was here that me and Missus traveled first time out of India on our honeymoon, many moons ago.  In all these years many things have changed in Thailand from a traveler’s perspective, mostly for better. Recently I was in Thailand once again though all alone this time on  invitation of Tourism Authority of Thailand. While I work on thousands of pictures that I clicked though mobile as well as my DSLR, let [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]