Jan 192015
Golconda Fort and The Legend of Bhakta Ramadas

Golconda Fort & the Story of  Bhakta Ramadas &Tana Shah Every time I climb the stairs of the Golconda fort I discover something new or spend the time to understand and photograph something in more detail. I hope you have read my post about Kali Temple in Golconda Fort,  right next to the Royal Palace, if not please do read before moving further. So this last trip we spent some time in the prison room of Bhakta Ramdas, his name means a devotee of Lord Rama though his original name was Gopanna. The story of the prison is a combination [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Mar 172014
An Old Portuguese Church in the backwaters of Champakulam Alleppey

A Portuguese Church in the Backwaters of  Champakulam Alleppey We all know Vasco da Gama was the first recorded European to reach India, bypassing the red sea and Mediterranean, as he sailed around Africa, turned around from Cape of Good Hope and reached Kerala. Though his primary purpose was to find a safe route to India. The route from Red sea though short, had its own issues like high taxes by the countries on the way, passing desert, hiring about 2000 camels to carry the load ( more on this in a later post- how about subscribing by email to get [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]