Jul 042013
Showcase on Swarat Ghosh- Street Photographer from India

Street Photographs from India by Swarat Ghosh Dear Readers, today we showcase one of the most talented young street photographers in India. For him taking pictures is not just clicking button, but a whole experience in itself. He captures life like nobody else, as he has his own unique style and an eye of for life as it happens on streets of India. Within a short span of time he is recognized worldwide for his talent and has won many awards. This all when he has being photography purely out of passion, as Swarat Ghosh is a User Interface Designer by profession [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

May 122012
Gudimalkapur Flower Market Hyderabad

  Gudimalkapur Flower Market- Morning Ragas with Colors  Photography ka keeda is slowly spreading in my mind-body and soul and I visited Gudimalkapur flower market early morning to see some action with flowers. A little history first-I had thought that I had overcome it after I mothballed my film Nikon and after that every single point and shoot camera that we had been monopolized by our daughter. But then I read about Nikon D7000 and got hooked again. Not that I am very good at photography I just point and shoot and then pray that the subject would have understood [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]