Oct 012013

Jewels Bugs:  Nature Notes 

Nizam of Hyderabad was once considered one of the richest men on earth with a collection of gems and jewelry that was unparalleled in the world. It is believed he used Jacob diamond one of the largest diamonds ever mined as a paper weight.

Legend has it that a lot of his treasure is still hidden in different parts of the erstwhile Hyderabad State.  So you can imagine my joy when I found this beautiful precious stone in the bushes on the banks of Ameenpur Lake where I had gone for bird watching.  I was about to pick up the jewel when it suddenly jumped and settled on a leaf.

Jewel Bug Chrysocoris stolli

The Jewel of Mother Nature: Chrysocoris stolli

Ah, it was not the jewel of Nizam but of Mother Nature but no less beautiful than a real Jewel.

When I was a kid small bugs were in abundance but today due to excessive use of pesticides all kind of lesser fauna is slowly vanishing.

I was totally mesmerized by the beauty of this little Jewel Bug or Chrysocoris stolli nicely perched on the leaves of wild morning glory.

I do not have a macro lens and whatever little macro photography I do, I use a reverse ring on my 50 mm lens, call it desi jugaad if you may.  So I tried to click some pictures with my 300 mm Nikon lens and the results are here. The pics are not as detailed as a true Macro Lens will give you, but I normally carry only one lens in the field to avoid carrying too much weight, hence try to take advantage of whatever gear I have.

Chrysocoris stolli Jewel Bug

Chrysocoris stolli or Jewel Bug

The Jewel bugs are more or less harmless to humans but if you try to touch them they produce a sticky stinky fluid, so better maintain a distance. They are found almost all over the world in tropics and semi-tropical areas.

Jewel bug Chrysocoris stolli

The Jewel on the leaf: Chrysocoris stolli

Note: This post is first in series of “Nature Notes” under category Wild Life and Nature.  I would love to know your opinion about the same.  I don’t think I am capable of giving gyan on the same but would still love to share the pictures I clicked of plants and animals I click when out in the field during my meditation time (read a walk in nature).

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  14 Responses to “Jewel Bugs Of Mother Nature-Chrysocoris bugs”

Comments (14)
  1. Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Stunning pictures. What lens have you used for these?

  3. stunning! I’d love to use this post in the next issue of The Woven Tale Press: http://woventalepress.com
    If interested email me at [email protected] referencing this URL.
    Thx Sandra Tyler

  4. So I now know the name and saw the beautiful pictures too!

  5. It’s a beautiful bug. Thanks for sharing this post.

  6. what a brilliant capture 🙂

  7. Ah, that’s a beautiful treasure you managed to track down, DT. How lovely and superbly captured as well. It is wonderful to get introduced to the real jewels in nature in such an interesting manner, I surely look forward to reading more from your ‘Know your nature’ series. Keep them coming. 🙂

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