
What happens in Goa ?

This is my Goa Travel Blog with travel tips to the state known for sunny beaches and chilled out life with Portuguese influence .  Here I share my experiences of visiting Goa  in its myriad hues, and experiences that only the sunshine state that is a bit high on fun can offer. Come with me to Goa a state with  Portuguese influence and see a lot more than beaches, and Old Churches of Goa as we go on discovery of Goa. On the Goa Blog section of desi Traveler you will not only find tips on “What to do on a Goa beach ” but also video about a ” Family Trip to Goa ” and some fun adventure sports that now Goa is becoming synonymous with. I hope you do enjoy my Goa Blog and visit the sunny state. Keep traveling, stay safe :)

May 182016
What happens on a Goa Beach ?- Family Beach Activity Guide

What to do at Goa Beaches?  Adventure & Water Sports in Goa My first visit to Goa on a hot summer day was in double-breasted suit; a serpent-like twin tongued tie wrapped around my itchy neck and a laptop in tow. But once I visited the beach of the Taj Fort Aguada, where I was staying I vowed to rip off my tie, burn the suit and move to Goa. In due course, the tie was peeled off, the suits dusted, dry-cleaned, mothballed and hidden in closets that were locked and marked -” Never To Be Opened” The dream [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Dec 232015
Goa In Reflections

Memories of Goa in Reflections As the mercury dips and the elusive sunlight filters through the canopy of trees, my body wants to go back to the sunny beaches of Goa and watch the reflection of the Sun taking a dip in the Arabian Sea. But here I am in my home, trying to keep warm by guzzling endless cups of ginger tea. So let me go back and remember the sunny Goa from 2 weeks ago where I went for a launch of Zica, the new car from Tata Motors. I have already shared some pictures of the [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Dec 152015
The Kids Who Stole My Heart On A Goa Beach

Laughter & other lessons learned from kids of Child Rescue Center Goa First came the collective laughter that rose above the rapturing waves crashing on the pristine Gonsua Beach, Majorda in Goa. Then came a few worried yet loving screams,” Wait, don’t go too close, don’t enter the water, let me come “ But the collective laughter had the blessings of the Universe that made the pure laughter attract everybody around. It sure got my attention as I ran towards the source of the collective laughter to contribute to the chorus. If there is anything better than laughing alone  then it is to join [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Dec 142015
The Fantastico Zica & the Bloggers I met in Goa

   The Bloggers, The Yogi & The Chicas At Fantastico Zica Pre Launch   This post is about some of the fantastico bloggers, Yogis and Chicas (some were all three )  I met for the Zica launch by Tata Motors in Goa. A trip that lasted less than 30 hours has given enough memories to last a lifetime. You see we bloggers are a funny lot; we follow each other, comment on blogs, tweet and also do our share of gossip about each other.  But we rarely we get to meet each other.  So the Zica launch in Goa was a [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Dec 132015
A Fantastico Zica Pre Launch by Tata Motors in Goa

Zica the Zippy new car from Tata Motors CAR is a 3 letter word, synonym with dreams, aspirations, style, and even statement of an individual. Your car is not a vehicle it is an extension of your personality.  No wonder Car companies spend millions of dollars, pounds, Yens and now rupees to find that sweet spot which will appeal to people and make them buy their dream car. This weekend I was in balmy Goa, to participate in the launch of Zica the latest pretty little  car with big aspirations from Tata Motors. The launch event organized by Tata [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Jun 252014
Goa Travel Blog - A Family Trip to Goa

  An Indian Family trip to Goa: What Indian Families can do in Goa When I was a kid a family vacation meant going to my grandparent’s homes every year during summer vacations as we lived in different cities. My Nani and Dadi showered their blessings on us and secretly competed for the title for favorite grandmother. Sometimes we visited a few pilgrim places like Rishikesh, Haridwar etc. The biggest attraction was going to hills like Simla,  that was our favorite hill station as nobody has heard about Leh,  Sikkim or other exotic names you talk today. Trips to wildlife [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

 Posted by  Beaches, Goa Tagged with: ,  3 Responses »
Sep 252013
Goa Travel Blog - What To Shop in Goa

What To Shop in Goa: The Land of Sun, Sand, and Beaches Most people think Goa is just to chill out on beaches, with nothing much to do. Well, actually Goa is a great place to do a lot of shopping also only you need to know what to shop in Goa. We have been to Goa many times and every time we discover a new aspect of Goa, most people do not realize that Goa is not a city it is a state with many facets and so you can find a lot of things to shop in [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

 Posted by  Goa, Travel TIPS Tagged with:  18 Responses »
May 242012
Rediscovering Goa !- My Blog Post About Top 5 things to do in Goa

What To Do In Goa:  Family Friendly Itinerary While surfing on a bright sunny day I met Kyra the Sunshine girl from Lakme`, I immediately took fancy for her urbane charm and intelligence. She was looking ideas to spend the summers in Goa, and I was looking for a good reason to go to Goa, so this was a match made in heavens or Ram Milaee Jodee as they say(take your pick of your favorite saying). St Xavier’s Church In Old Goa 6666 After exchanging our numbers we decided to meet on the sunny beaches of South Goa.  Needless to [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]