While I welcome November, I am also wondering is it not too soon for November 2020 to be here? I mean who brings November so quickly while we are still trying to get a grip on July, August, September and October? But November is here and so is the November 2020 Wallpaper Calendar.
This month’s free wallpaper calendar features one of the most majestic male Blue Buck or Nilgai I have ever seen. This male who totally towered above the grassland of Tal Chapar ( and me ), looked straight into the camera as I was trying to focus totally ignoring the Dance of the Drongos who have made the Nilgai there dance floor.
Before we move further, it will not be wrong to give a little Googled Gyan about the Nilgai or the Blue Bull, with a sonorus latin name Boselaphus tragocamelus and is actually not a bull or a close relative to the Divine Bovines, but thanks to the name has been revered in parts of the country. The Nilgai is actually the largest Antelope in Asia and the males can touch 300 KG, though I have a feeling our friend was more than that ( not that I weighed him, or wanted to weigh him or had a point of refrence to make this claim, but it feels good to think I clicked a really giant of a Nilgai )
So without any further delay let me take you to the dry grasslands of Tal Chapar in Rajasthan that are not only home to Nilgais but also thousands of Black Buck and also play host to countless central asia and Eurasian birds of prey that stop in Tal Chapar before continuing there journey towards Rann of Kutch and further to Africa for winters. In case you are wondering what draws the raptors to this grassland then read my post about the Spiny Tailed Lizards of Tal Chapar Rajasthan.
Here are the download links to the November 2020 Wallpaper Calendar that features one of the largest male Nilgai I have ever photographed or seen. As always the image can be downloaded in 3 sizes by clicking and saving the image.
The November 2020 Wallpaper Calendar is avaialble in 3 sizes
2100 px wide
1600 px wide
1024 px wide
Take your pick and save it, print it share it all totally free as a token of thanks from your friendly neighborhood desi Traveler. I know you have millions of website to chose from yet you are here 🙂 and I cannot thank you enough.
Wishing you a wonderful November and a great festival season in India, stay safe and stay happy.

November 2020 Wallpaper Calendar – Nilgai & Dance of the Drongos in Tal Chapar Rajasthan
May I also request you to tag me on Instagram on your images of places you would love to visit once we return to safer times and I would love to share them in my stories? Just tag me @desiTraveler and use #desiTraveler for me to discover your images.
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Remember my visit to Rajasthan with my family, great memories and many photos:)!
very good information.