Oct 012015

Top Travel Destinations For Vegetarians


I have always thought that India is one of the few countries in world where people are vegetarians by choice. Now this choice could be a derivative of religious beliefs like in many Hindus and almost all Jains (I have some Jain friends who eat all kind of meat ), or it could be due to spiritual reasons with some specific individuals. All said and done of the biggest reason I believe we should give vegetarian food a shot is that it is more environmental friendly. You see it is simple logic if you directly eat plants then less of the food is used in raising the chicken, cow, buffalo, lamb or whatever your meat is.

Then there is cost of keeping the livestock healthy by adding all kind of antibiotics to their feed and then injecting the animals with vaccines.  Time and again it has been proved by various clinical trials that vegetarians and vegans are equally healthy if not more healthy compared to meat eaters.

But all said and done ultimately it is your choice if you want to be a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian as food is a very personal  matter and every body is free to choose what they want to eat or not eat. I am not going to try to convince you to change your food habits and I expect the same from you. 

This post is for those who are vegetarians by choice and are always looking for vegetarian food when they are traveling. Now in a country like India Vegetarian Food is never an issue as a lot of us is vegetarians for one reason or another. Many Indians are vegetarians on specific days e.g. Tuesdays or on festivals while they will consume meat / poultry and fish on other days. So this natural proliferation of vegetarians ensures that you get vegetarian food no matter where you are traveling in India, including in states like Goa or North East where meat in various forms is more freely consumed.

But when you are traveling in other countries at times Vegetarian food may not be easily available.  Though in my recent travels to countries like Jordan, Thailand and Singapore I discovered that vegetarian food is not only easily available, you also get great choices.

You may want to check 2 of my posts here that talk about Vegetarian Food while traveling. 

  1. Jordan Travel Guide for Vegetarian Food

  2. Singapore Food Choices

Still a lot of people are worried about traveling as they are not sure if they will get vegetarian food of choice once they are outside of their comfort zone. I like to try different cuisines and am always willing to talk to the chef / servers and inform them what I am looking for. In most cases I have seen the staff even if they do not have anything specific vegetarian on menu is willing to help me out and dish out something vegetarian.  One of the best vegetarian pasta I  ever had was in a steak house in Philadelphia!

Dear readers today on 1st October the World Vegetarian Day, let me share this infographics by  GetYourGuide.com, that will help you to understand what all countries are great for travel for vegetarians and what all food / dishes etc. are available.

Infographic for vegetarians traveling

Top Travel Destinations for Vegetarians and Vegans. Right click here for full screen

No surprises that India ranks number 1 travel destination for vegetarians. Though none of the restaurants from India had made it to the list.  Amazing Thailand is at number 2 in the list but the biggest surprise for me was Israel at number 3. I  had no idea that 12.5 % of Israel’s population no longer eats meat!


Do check the inforgraphics for more details. For a bigger copy click on the image and it will take  you to a full size version of the infographics that will give you Top Travel Destinations for Vegetarians. Although I feel Jordan should also be in this list considering the choices and a culture of vegetarian food in Jordan.

Feel Free to share this with your friends who are interested in vegetarian or vegan food when traveling.

For a full screen version of the same RIGHT Click here  GetYourGuide .

Note the Infographics was created by GetYourGuide.com  and you are welcome to share further with due credit to them.


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  3 Responses to “Best Places to Travel for Vegetarians”

Comments (3)
  1. This is really a great helpful post. Thanks for your time and effort on preparing the veggie poster. Will make use of it.

  2. Nice post for vegetarians! Thanks for sharing Infographics about the travel locations for vegetarians around the world. It helps a lot.

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