Pick your favorite image from Punjab
Well technically they are all same image only processed differently just for fun. If you were following me on Twitter or Instagram you must have seen our #RahiOnRoad when we shared our images clicked in the golden Sarson ke Khet of Punjab. So here is a single image processed in 4 different ways. Which one you like the most ?
You can answer here on the blog in comments or you can answer in this survey by clicking below
Which image you like the most
This is not a contest and there are no prizes, just a fun post to see which image the readers like the most. The image was clicked during the recent road trip to Punjab, and were clicked in RAW. There is not much tinkering done in them except for some white balance and color saturation sliders. Is it not amazing what just 4-5 left right on a few sliders can do ? I have never used Photoshop for editing my images so far but I do play with Lightroom every now and then just for some fun and these 4 images are a result of the same.
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🙂 🙂 🙂
I like the black and white and then the red one.
Prasad, I’d left a comment on that post of mine where I’d smudged the images. In case you haven’t seen it– http://www.dnambiartravelblog.com/2015/01/bringing-up-a-traveler-1.html
Thanks D..thanks for your answer and reminding me… 🙂
I like the first one the most!
That is the most appreciated one. Thanks for your inputs…
The 1st and last are the best of the lot!
🙂 good choices thanks
Looks like it’s neck and neck between orange and red. I voted for ‘red’…
Thanks Vishal…
1st & 4th are my choices. 🙂
Good Choices….
my favourites are: first one (it’s more natural looking) and the B&W one.
Thanks for your inputs Emanuele… 🙂