Jan 162015

SocialnomicsThe Inevitable Business Solution

Not that I am an expert but I got my 15 minutes of fame when I spoke at Delhi University.  I was initially skeptical when I received the invitation to speak as the other folks speaking at the 2 day long management and other big words conference were some top guns from companies like NABARD, HDFC and many such big acronyms. But then my dear friend Pankaj G reminded me

” Arey have you forgotten you also went to office in Tie till some time back, so how is it that you have forgotten everything. I am sure if you will try your old company will also have some nice big acronym.”

So now I had no choice and I started working on my presentation for Convergence 2014. Now this Convergence is the annual flagship business convention of Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies of Delhi University.

The biggest challenge was not to make the presentation but how to keep engaged 18-21 year old on  Social media, when these guys know more than all the social media gurus in country combined.  The other problem in Indian social media scene is that the veterans are also new comers and a lot of following is of mutual kind. It is rare day that I do not receive a message in my mail or Facebook that we have followed you on T, F or G so please you too, do the same. And when I do not reciprocate the honor I am unfollowed within 24 hours, sometime even less and after giving me a warning that I will unfollow you. Sometime I too do the same, though not always. For me social media was never about you follow me so I will follow you and then u follow me on some other profile, then I follow you on that and then the circle goes on and on. Oh where is that headache pill or Zandu Balm when you need it ?

 I follow a lot of folks who don’t even know I exist, and I don’t mean Bollywood stars but folks like you and me who are really good at what they do and I love their work be in photography, poetry, political views, or travel writing.

So my strategy was simple don’t give them any gyan or statistics just talk what I have  learned about social media in my journey as a travel blogger. And it would not be out-of-place to say that I have done OK, (pats self on the back may be we should call it Selpati ? in tune with a selfie ? )  in the less than 2 years I have been active on social media for my blog.  In this time frame there are about 6 K plus followers of desi Traveler on Facebook, 2.5 K on twitter and about 1000 +on other media like G+, Instagram etc, with a current Klout score of 65 as I shamelessly enjoy narcissism. ( Bus!! desi Bus!!, let people see the presentation  ). OK jee, here is the presentation that I gave on Social Media at Convergence 2014 with minor changes in formatting.

So what do you say ? Do give your opinion about the presentation and feel free to share it if you find it useful, you have nothing but a follower to lose if you don’t. Ha ha just kidding.


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  5 Responses to “desi Speaks at Delhi University about Social Media”

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  1. Way to go, DesiTraveler. (did you get to pad it up with some Bollywood masala? :))
    You should give yourself another selfpat!!


  2. Congrats!Your strategy was definitely sure to generate curiosity.

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