Mar 262014
Ayurveda Treatment: How to choose a Holistic Ayurveda Treatment Center

 How to choose an Ayurveda Treatment  Spa or Resort: Ayurveda is the oldest medicine science in the world, and was conceived, researched and practiced in India from the times of Vedas. Ayurveda means the knowledge of life. Ancient Indians researched thousands on plants, foods and discovered the medicinal plants that mother nature has gifted us. Used wisely these herbs in combination with lifestyle changes and Yoga can do wonders to your health. Although Ayurveda is practiced throughout India, it is in Kerala it is practiced in its purest and holistic form. Every resort that we visited had a holistic [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]

Feb 052012

My grandmother used to say “ Pehla Sukh Nirogee Kaya” or the first joy you want to have is a healthy body. I never really understood what she meant till I understood the meaning of mortality. Over a period of time whenever I will get in josh to start taking care of my health the solution that typically came to my mind was to go out and spend some money. So over a period of time I accumulated a Tread mill, best sports shoes credit cards can buy, gym membership, all kind of health foods from Olive oil to Muesli and a false [Continue Reading By Clicking Here…]