The immigration officer at the Heathrow airport actually asked me detailed questions as to why I am travelling alone and if I am married or not. On my mentioning I have a girlfriend he wanted to know her name, how long we have been dating and why she is not with me.
I had a tough time to explain that good Indian girls don’t travel with their vagabond boyfriends to Europe on a backpacking tour. He did not understood the concept ( this is 1998) and made a comment on my immigration form that I claim to have a girlfriend but like to travel alone! But fortunately he allowed me to enter in England which was my base country to travel to France and Netherlands ( yes I did visited the Red light district in Amsterdam-if you must know, but did nothing that can not be published on this blog- remember I had a girlfriend with whom I was in love with).But nothing prepared me with the experience of travelling with Kids. Currently we have 2 daughters ( me and my ex-girlfriend, ex because we married in 2000 and she ceased to be my girlfriend since then). Our elder one is seven years and the younger one is 3 months old as I write this blog.
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Travelling with Kids is like nothing in this world and there are hardly anything available on internet or in the print media that talks about travelling with kids. Most of the material available is either keeping in mind the business traveler or the young honeymooning types. Every body assumes that people don’t travel with kids but that is so untrue. Whenever i travel whether on business or with my own kids and their mother I find a lot of other people travelling with kids. Kids of all shapes and sizes. Kids who are well mannered and quiet, kids who scream and shout at their parents and spill the beans about their parents early morning fight when they were packing for the flight. Kids who are fussy eaters and kids who will eat anything that is served on the plate as long as it is not alive. In-fact some of them will be willing to experiment with even moving creatures unless their mothers would not stop them or faint before Junior tried to skin the caterpillar. So my friend this is what the blog is going to be about. Kids and our travels with them. Kids are fun and travelling with them opens a whole new world for you. You tend to rediscover your own childhood with kids.
Would love to hear from you all.
I don’t have any experience with traveling with kids. i am sure my parents do and they can tell a lot of horror stories. but i love to read about your children 🙂